
Showing posts from October, 2019

Surviving the Storm

I'm happy to bring you a woman who has been through it all.  In Jane Pauline's books, Playin' Church and Still Playin' Church , we see the story of domestic abuse.  Currently, she's working with Actress and Screenwriter , Keisha Rose on a screenplay, Triggers , which tells the story of the aftermath of domestic abuse.  Jane Pauline is an Author, Screenwriter and SURVIVOR , and I welcome you to come into a snippet of her world  in this interview. CSW:   Hi Jane Pauline.  I'm happy that you've joined  me today and let's get this started. JP:  I'm excited to be able to share my story and hopefully help some readers that are possibly going through an abusive relationship. CSW:    I'll jump in.    Tell me in five words, how you would describe your journey. JP:  A necessary rough road traveled. CSW:   That's powerful. JP:  It was meant for me to go through it all to share my testimony and help someone in...